Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 3 - 6, 2012

This week was intresting because the 4th was right in the middle but I still got some learning in there. This last week I got checked out on checking in small diesel air compressors. What an amazing machine. These things will push out some serious cubic feet! I also put back in my first radiator. Interesting to see it looking so good after it's repair. Worked good!
28 hrs


  1. Quinn, You are hitting on the right amount of pictures in you blog; I can get a great idea of what you are working on.

    You are starting to think about your learning but I'd like you to expand on that part, just a are doing great, but think about it just a bit more.

    For example: could you tell us more about the operation of the compressor? Is is a piston type or a screw type compressor? Turbo charged diesel engine or natural? Why?

    Does this make sense? (;

    I am so happy that you got this internship, you'll do well there.

  2. In the future I will be more detailed in my thoughts. Thanks so much for the advice and direction Jeff it helps a lot. Also I am so happy myself that I got to work and become a part of Birch Equipments fine team. I learn everyday from different people about different things. This is truly a great jumpstart to a career I can't wait to see where it goes.
