Sunday, October 28, 2012

Oct. 22-26, 2012: thermostats and sensors!

This past week I did the day 24 assignment. I took three thermostats and dipped them in water and watched them open as the water got warm. It turned out that two of them opened at the right tempatures and the last one was open at room tempature. I also did some dial indicator measurements. I measured flywheel housing run out and flywheel housing bore run out. The housing measurements were 12, 9 and 6 thousands of an inch which was in specification. The bore run out was 3, 7, and 5 thousands of an inch which was also in specification. I was almost done with the cylinder liner protrusion. I finally understood it and how to measure it. I hope to finish the measurement and crank end thrust this next week. I also finally got my sensor to work after figuring out which wire does what and was able to see with a multimeter. Very cool to see it work. I also got to see some other people's like the differential pressure sensor. You blow in one side and the voltage goes down and blow in the other and the voltage goes up. I also had a few theories about the bearing failure analysis. I thought it was a hot short or oil starvation due to the amount of bearing that was worn away and the pieces missing, but after talking with Jeff and learning really what it was it made complete sense. I won't spoil it, but I learned a great deal this past week and I can't wait for what's next.

Hours: 45
Hours to date: 259